Gear Changes in Patch 5.4.8

L'actualité de World of Warcraft

Monsieur Pince-mi
Messages : 1008
Inscription : février 10, 2014, 12:58 pm

Gear changes are coming! First, in Patch 5.4.8 (which is currently in testing on the PTR), all upgradable epic items introduced to the game in Patch 5.4 will be given the option to upgrade 2 more times for a grand total of 16 item levels. This change will be applied to all items found on the Timeless Isle and in Siege of Orgrimmar. For instance, if you have an item level 553 Greatsword of Pride’s Fall and its Upgrade Level is 2/2 making it item level 561, once the new patch goes live it will display 2/4 and allow you the opportunity to bump it up to item level 569. Whether you’re working on a newly boosted character or progressing through Siege of Orgrimmar, we hope this change will provide you with the extra punch you need to take down your foes.

Second, we are also adding a new token called Deeds of Valor which will cost 3000 Timeless Coins, and can be used to grant your character 100 Valor Points. Players who wish to purchase the new token can do so by visiting Mistweaver Ai on the Timeless Isle next to the Celestial Court. Keep in mind, these tokens won’t allow you to go above the current weekly cap on Valor, but they do provide you an extra option to gain the points you may need so you can upgrade your gear.

[update] Thanks everyone for your feedback, we will be bumping up the ilvl of all Garrosh Heirlooms by +8 in 5.4.8, since they are not upgradeable with Valor. The intent of the 5.4.8 VP upgrade change is to let people continue to progress, and we don’t want those who are using one of the Garrosh BoA weapons as their primary weapon to feel like they need to go get a brand new weapon due to this change.

source : ... ?page=1#18
Messages : 160
Inscription : février 8, 2014, 10:43 pm

Yeah comme ça on roulera encore plus sur l’instance  -_- :D

merde faut que je recommence a farmer des vaillance en espérant d’avoirs le temps d’avoirs 3000/3000 avant le patche XD :@

je vais enfin avoir quel que chose a faire sur le jeux une fois l'id clean  haha  :escrime
Dernière modification par Lumei le mai 14, 2014, 7:42 am, modifié 1 fois.
Monsieur Pince-mi
Messages : 1008
Inscription : février 10, 2014, 12:58 pm

Lol, a nous le farm de vaillance ca faisait longtemps  :X mais bon pour le coup ca va vraiment etre du gros poutrage full 582/588  :3smiley
Messages : 160
Inscription : février 8, 2014, 10:43 pm

le truc qui me fais chier en final  j'ai 2 stuff a uper  :(
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