Mythic Keystones will go down by an additional 3 levels when the season transition occurs, to account for this difficulty increase. So if you do an 11 this coming week, instead of getting a Level 10 keystone when Season 2 starts, expect a 7.
Mythic+ rewards will also go up by 30 item levels; however, during the first week of Season 2, rewards from end-of-run chests will be capped at Mythic 6 quality (item level 385), and the chest you open next week will contain Season 1 rewards if you do a Mythic+ run this week. (So, for example, if you do a Mythic 10 during the final week of Season 1, you’ll get a Season 1 item level 380 piece and 60 Residuum from your first Season 2 chest.)
The weekly cache that becomes available in the second week of the season will not be affected by this cap, so if a player does a Mythic 10 dungeon during the first week, they will get a Mythic 10 reward (item level 410+) from their cache the following week..
Donc la 10 de la semaine prochaine donnera toujours du 380, mais il faudra obligatoirement faire une 10 pendant la semaine d'héroique, pour avoir un item 410 le premier jour du mythique. Il faudrait aussi faire une clé de 14 sur le timer de demain si on veut une 10 pour la semaine d'héroique (ou push une fois le raid sorti quoi, pas sur que ça soit le moment), je doute que tout le monde y arrive en pu, est-ce qu'on verra des groupes définis comme la 10 de la première semaine d'uldir?